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1 Course

2 Subjects

1-2 Practice Activity

1-2 Practice Activity

Q Overview In this practice activity, you will explore some of the motives of domestic and homegrown terrorists and describe some of the contributing factors to these motives. You will learn more in depth about other contributing factors in the next module. Prompt Homegrown terrorists are motivated by a variety of factors. In this practice activity, you will explore some of the motives of these homegrown terrorists and describe some of the contributing factors to their motive to carry out acts of domestic terrorism. Using the Module One Practice Activity Template, describe some of the factors that contribute to the motivation to conduct domestic acts of terror, and explain why you think each factor contributes to the motives of homegrown terrorists. For each motive, write 50–75 words. Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed: • Describe contributing factors for each motive listed in the template. • Explain why each factor contributes to homegrown terrorist motives. Guidelines for Submission Submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. Any sources should be cited according to APA style. Review the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for further information on citations.

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Terrorism is the threat or use of violence to achieve religious, political, social, or ideological goals. Terrorism can be defined as a purposeful unlawful cause of death or injury to another person, as well as substantial damage to public or private property. There are five varieties of terrorism. The first is state-sponsored terrorism, which entails government-to-government or government-to-terrorist acts. The second type of terrorism is dissent terrorism, which involves terrorist groups protesting against their government. The third type of terrorist is the political terrorist, which encompasses both left and right-wing groups.